(270) 444-9625

Tobacco and Vaping Education

Tobacco Prevention, Education, and Cessation classes

  • Freedom From Smoking: Is a systematic approach to stop smoking by starting with assessing readiness to quit, building motivation and self-confidence. This is a 7 week course that meets once a week for one hour. It uses practical problem solving skills for the quitting process and teaches how to develop coping skills. It encourages you to use nicotine replacement therapy, which is using medication to help stop smoking. The Freedom From Smoking program is effective also by teaching maintenance strategies to help people continue to be nonsmokers, because “staying quit” is the difficult part.
  • Smart Mouth Classes for Middle School students – SmartMouth is a smokeless tobacco/other tobacco products curriculum developed by the Kentucky Tobacco Prevention Enhancement Site. The Smart Mouth curriculum includes Facilitator Resources, Learning Objectives (including a pre-post test), six interactive sessions, take-home Fact Sheets, posters for each session, a DVD and a resource CD, and additional resources to supplement the sessions.

Stressed Out? Want to stop tobacco/alcohol use?
There’s an app for that! Click Here