COVID-19 General Information

COVID-19 Vaccination Press Releases
On Wednesday, February 28, 2024, CDC recommended that adults 65 years and older receive an additional updated 2023-2024 COVID-19 vaccine dose. This additional dose is recommended to restore protection that may have waned since a fall vaccine dose for older adults. An additional dose is already recommended for people who are immunocompromised.
2023-2024 Updated Covid Vaccines available for persons ages 6 months and older at all locations. Call your county Health Center for more information or to make an appointment.
The bivalent Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines are no longer authorized for use in the US and will no longer be administered. The new vaccine will be available soon.
Flu and COVID-19
Fall and winter is flu season. It takes about two weeks after getting a flu vaccine for your body to develop antibodies that protect against flu, so don’t wait! You can even get the flu and COVID-19 vaccine at the same time. Get yourself and your family vaccinated today!
You can get the FLU and COVID-19 vaccines at the same time! For more information about COVID-19 and the Flu please visit: About Flu | CDC
Appointment necessary for FLU vaccines.
Ballard: Please call: (270) 665-5432.
Carlisle: Please call: (270) 628-5431.
Fulton: Please call: (270) 472-1982.
Hickman: Please call: (270) 653-6110.
McCracken/Paducah Clinic: (270) 444-9625.
COVID-19 Isolation Guidance Update 3/1/2024
Purchase District Health Department Isolation Guidance Update 03/01/2024
- On March 1, 2024 CDC issued updated guidance for respiratory virus prevention and control. This new guidance brings a unified and practical approach for addressing risks from common respiratory viral illnesses, including COVID-19, influenza, and RSV.
In support of this updated guidance, the Kentucky Department for Public Health recommends the following:
- Stay up to date with vaccination to protect against serious illness, hospitalization, and death. This includes flu, COVID-19, and RSV if eligible.
- Practice good hygiene by covering coughs and sneezes, washing or sanitizing hands often, and cleaning frequently touched surfaces.
- Take steps for cleaner air, such as bringing in more fresh outside air, purifying indoor air, or gathering outdoors.
- When sick with a respiratory virus,
- Seek testing or treatment if you have risk factors for severe illness
- Stay home and away from others until at least 24 hours after:
- Symptoms are getting better overall
- Fever has ended (without using fever-reducing medication)
- Take precautions for 5 additional days, including taking steps for cleaner air, enhancing hygiene practices, wearing a well-fitting mask when around others, and keeping a distance from others. For COVID-19, consider taking an antigen test. A positive test means it is more likely you can still spread the virus.
In addition to these core strategies, people who desire further protection may consider additional prevention strategies, such as wearing a well-fitting mask, physical distancing, or testing.
These updated recommendations are intended for general audiences and community settings and do not apply to healthcare settings. CDC’s COVID-19 guidance for healthcare settings and influenza guidance for healthcare settings are not changing. Additionally, CDC and KDPH still support the current operational guidance for K-12 schools and early education programs, however updated guidance is anticipated prior to the 2024-2025 school year. KDPH is updating guidance documents and has removed the 5+5 COVID-19 and 4&24 flu infographics from the website.
FAQs about the new guidance can be found at:
Other Testing Site Information
Purchase District Health Department COVID-19 Drive Up Testing Discontinued.
Purchase District Health Department discontinuing COVID-19 PCR and drive thru vaccine services on May 12th
On May 11th the Public Health Emergency Order is being lifted. We have been honored to serve our community during this time and to expand our services to meet the need of our residents. Community needs have changed and with the lifting of the Emergency Order Purchase District Health Department will discontinue COVID-19 PCR and Vaccine drive-thru at close of business on May 12th. Our COVID-19 web page and our COVID-19 Isolation and Quarantine Calculator will remain on our website at use this calculator instead of calling PDHD for isolation and quarantine dates. It will allow you to enter dates based on multiple factors to determine when your isolation or quarantine would end.
If you test positive, please self-isolate and inform your close contacts. Isolation and Quarantine Guidance is available on our website at Please follow all applicable guidance.
PDHD health centers have Abbot BinaxNOW Antigen home tests available for community members while supplies last. We also have Abbott BinaxNOW™ COVID-19 Ag Card in boxes with a quantity of 40 available for applicable agencies and organizations. Please call your county health center for availability. You can also visit for information on ordering free COVID home tests, insurance reimbursement information for COVID home tests, and to search for free testing locations.
PDHD will continue to give COVID-19 vaccines in our clinics.
Ballard: Please call: 270) 665-5432.
Carlisle: Please call: (270) 628-5431.
Fulton: Please call: (270) 472-1982.
Hickman: Please call: (270) 653-6110.
McCracken: Please call: (270) 444-9625
Resources and other websites
Vira the ChatBox: Chat | Vaxchat
Other Updated Information & Resources
- CDC Novel Cornovirus (COVID-19) Site
- Kentucky Novel Cornovirus (COVID-19) Site
- COVID-19 Hotline toll-free (800) 722-5725
- PDHD Facebook
- Governor Beshear’s Facebook
- Cabinet for Health and Family Services Resource site
- Purchase Area Health Connections Resource Guide
- TITK Non Traditional Instruction Resources
- Medicaid Assisters: KY Benefits
- Dental Emergency Information for the Purchase Area
- Medicaid Assisters are still available: In the Purchase District: Contact Brenda Cooper at 270-331-6123