(270) 444-9625

Teen Outreach 

WYMAN Teen Outreach Program®: Wyman transforms teens and changes communities by empowering teens, equipping adults and strengthening communities. Our inspired staff, network of partners and innovative solutions in education, adolescent health, child welfare and juvenile justice help teens find purpose and communities achieve potential.


  • The curriculum uses a variety of experiential methods to engage youth, including small-group discussions and role-playing. A community service learning guide aids discussions about volunteer experiences, tying together the classroom and community service learning aspects of the program and allowing youth to process and reflect on their service activities.

Curriculum theme areas include the following:

  • Communication Skills / Assertiveness
  • Understanding and Clarifying Values
  • Relationships
  • Goal-Setting
  • Influences
  • Decision-Making
  • Adolescent Development and Sexual Health
  • Community Service

To view Wymans National Network Strategic Plan please click here